7 Months to go - approximately £9800 left to raise!
I was wondering how many of you purchase items on the Internet?
If you go to http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/mellewis or alternatively click on the link to your left BEFORE you purchase, there are a lot of businesses and stores who will donate a percentage of your purchase to me and my quest!
All you will need to do is simply register with them (Free) and then every time you buy something remember to go through my site! Thank you so much! - "Every little helps" :) (I'm not sure if it works in the states tho, but your welcome to give it a try!!)
I was chatting to one of my work colleagues on Friday and telling him about what I will be doing from August. I told him how much I had to raise, and there was almost a fear that passed by his face!
And I can totally see why! £10,000 isn't really what most people have access to! (If you do - then I'm your best friend!!)
I was listening to a preach by Mark Driscoll the other week. He was talking about being generous with your money. In today's financial climate that seems to be very hard to follow, Driscoll went on to say that if Money is your god, then right know your god is failing you, If you are to put your trust in money and money alone, your god is dead. But if your trust is in Jesus who did die, but then rose again, why should you be worried about money and buzz words like "credit crunch" ?
It says in the bible that God owns the Cattle on a thousand hills and He will provide for those in need! As we continue to give through this time of economic crisis, be sure to know that God is providing for us all!!