Have you ever been there? I'm sure we all have at some point.
Why does street evangelism have to have the cheese factor?
In the bible God gives us a commission to go in to ALL the world and preach the good news to all people. The good news is that God gave Jesus to die for us because he loves each one of us so much! So ultimately we are called to show the love of God to all people, we don't show love by singing songs and shouting at people, but its about building relationships, talking to people you wouldn't normally speak to, helping someone in need, giving a smile to someone. Its the simple things if your daily life.
Next time you go out, spend a few minutes and ask God who he wants you to speak to. Open your eyes to opportunities to help people. Don't become too busy doing stuff that you forget why God has put you where you are! Its time to tap into the supernatural! Living with the mindset that God can use you wherever you are!
You will be surprised and how much God will use you you are willing.