About Me

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Derby, United Kingdom
I am a fun loving, God fearing, Chocolate eating, music playing, sister, daughter, housemate. I enjoy travelling and sleeping! And I hate celery!

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

It the US of A

As you all hopefully have realised by now . . . Ive made it!

Here I am.
can't quite believe it! I'm in America - and I'm here for a while!

I had a fun journey getting here, and I almost got sent back home within 30 minutes of me arriving!
I got to customs and border control and I was informed that The visa I was given can only be given for 6months at a time. I ad received it for the year. They took me to a room while I waited . . . and waited . . . and waited!
But God was faithful and I was given a year on my visa!

So I arrived to Ypsi (Ypsilanti is the city I live in now).

I managed to catch up with most people I already knew before things started to get crazy. Last week was Freshman move in and orientation - a great opportunity for us to meet new people.

We were able to help many students move in on Saturday, we started at 8am and got finished for around 12.30. This was a great chance for us to show the love of Jesus to both the students and the parents. God was making a way for us! Myself and Sarah were able to pray with two guys and their families, and two Girls and their families, and many others that day heard about who we are and what we do! It was great!

This week has been full of re connecting with people we met in the first week, we had a carnival, an Ice cream party, and lots more fun!

It has been great being able to meet lots of new people, I am really excited to see what God will do here at Eastern Michigan University!

While I am here, I will be overseeing the mid week bible study - UCF Connect.
We had our 2nd meeting last night and I know that God has some great things planned and that we will see much fruit! e will be using some of the materials from The Alpha course - looking at the fundamental points to being a christian! Making sure that Gods truth is shared!

It seems to me that the Harvest is ready for the taking, and we are here to take!!
"Forget what has gone before. For I am doing a NEW thing"
It is no mistake in me being here at EMU at this moment in time, and that I am excited about!

As much as I am loving being here and getting to know some amazing people, I am missing my friends and family back home so much! This week has been difficult! Leaving everything behind - Job, friends, family, car, familiarity, good chocolate, good food, and coming to a place God has called me to be. I feel like I am on an emotional roller coaster! feeling happy I'm here, but sad to be gone. looking forward to all God has for me, but missing what came before!

But I can rest in the knowledge that Jesus is my comforter, my lover and my refuge!

God is Good!!