As I get older and more established in my faith, I realise that it is only by Gods grace I am here! Come and walk with me in this journey! Its gonna be fun!
About Me

- Mel Lewis
- Derby, United Kingdom
- I am a fun loving, God fearing, Chocolate eating, music playing, sister, daughter, housemate. I enjoy travelling and sleeping! And I hate celery!
Friday, 30 October 2009
I am amazed at how different things are here in the USA, just the smaller finer details - they pay you to open bank accounts, they drive on the wrong side of the road, they have HUGE cars! The pronounce things differently, speak differently, dress differently.
But yet in all the differences, there is at least one thing that is constent, familiar, the same - GOD!
Despite being away from what I am used to, God is still the same! He NEVER changes! He is NEVER different, unfamiliar.
God is constent, when everything around you is not! Look at the book of Ruth - a story of Gods provision . . . the Author mentions God only 2 times. Once at the very beginning - Ch 1 - God gives food, and then again a the end of the book - Ch 4 - God gives a baby! It starts with Gods provision, and ends with Gods provision! And even when Ruth didnt know what she was doing - leaving all that she was familiar with, all that she knew - friends and family - God provided!
God is our provider! He cares for us, He Loves us, He feeds is, He provides for us!
Thursday, 1 October 2009
My First Month
I have been blessed with an amazing team here at Eastern Michigan University.
Head Pastor—Sarah Krage. Ever since I have been apart of University Christian Fellowship way back in 2004, she has played a great part in my life. Not just as a great friend, but as a spiritual mentor too. So It is great to be able to serve under her! Then there is Associate Pastor—Eliot Geib, Whom I have also known since back in 2004. He is a great friend too and shares a passion for Faulty Towers! :) He has a great sense of humour and am blessed to be working with him! Then last but not least we have Kate Williams who is in the process of getting her credentials for ministry– she has a great heart for the international students! We share a passion of creating songs and silly movies!
It’s a great team and we all work well together with different strengths to bring to the mix!
My role
Ok so you may be thinking. . . What is my role in all of this. I know it sounds like a lot of fun—which it is, but it is far from a holiday!
I am on the staff team—which means that I am in fulltime ministry here at EMU.
My role is to provide a bible study predominately for American students, and to reach out to them here on campus.
On Wednesday night we have something called UCFConnect. This is a chance for American students to come together to look at the word of God, This semester I really felt God was calling us into a time of new beginnings. I felt it was right for us to go back to the fundamental basics of Christianity. So using Alpha materials, we are working or way through topics like—Who is Jesus? Who is the Holy Spirit? How can I have faith?
There is so much junk in the way of the truth, its time to strip it all back and refocus.
The challenge I have is that there are people with a very firm foundation in true Christianity, and also some people who are not as far on the journey, so trying to get the deepness, but yet not lose people in that. Its fun! - That’s Wednesdays!
Another part of what I do is to build a team who will eventually take the full responsibility of running Wednesdays.
I also am attending bible classes once a month. I have completed and passed my first one on “intro to hermeneutics: How to study the bible” I have 9 more to go!
As I get into a routine and figure out how much time I have, I will be picking things up on the way!
American Students
If not me , then who? If not now, then When?”
Being called to work with American students. . .what does this entail?
To be able to connect with someone, you have to know where they are coming from, you have to be fully aware of their culture, what they like, what's cool and what's not! This is hard for me as the culture is quite different to what I am used to, and it is even more difficult as I am not a student! I have formed some great friendships with people from the ministry here, but what I desire to do is to form friendships with those outside. God has brought one American student to me in particular who is very hungry to know more about God, to find out the truth. And I have been able to connect to her on a level that perhaps the rest of the staff team couldn’t. The culture here for Christians, especially within the Assemblies of God is that you don't drink alcohol. You tend not to go to places that promote drinking. Whereas in England, it is normal for us to go for a drink to be social, to connect. I know that God is using for me to be able to connect easier, or perhaps on another level.
My thought is—How can you reach a generation of students if you don’t go to where they are? Why do we expect them to come to us? Jesus was a prime example of breaking cultural “rules” He spent time with the Woman at the well, He had dinner with the tax collector! He didn’t care about what people thought, he went against the grain to advance the kingdom. So I am here feeling stirred to go to the students, to meet them were they are at, to be a light in their dark places, to be salt in their lives!
Financial Support
Thank you to all of you who are faithfully supporting me! I really appreciate you and wouldn't be able to be doing what I am doing with out you! So Thank you!!
I have a budget of $1000 p/m ( £600)
Of which I have $800 p/m raised (£480)
So I have $200 /£120 left to raise in monthly support! If you would like to support me and your in the UK my bank details are available - email me at
If you are in the US please send checks payable to King Of Love University Church. With “For Mel” on the memo. My address is
516 St Johns Street, #205, Ypsilanti, Michigan.48197.
Look forward to hearing from you soon!