About Me

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Derby, United Kingdom
I am a fun loving, God fearing, Chocolate eating, music playing, sister, daughter, housemate. I enjoy travelling and sleeping! And I hate celery!

Monday, 2 August 2010

Nothing is to hard for God!

Ever had those moments when live becomes overwhelming? When everything that could go wrong, does go wrong? When things happen that you don't foresee happening? When there is NOTHING you can do about it, you just have to sit and watch things unfold?
Well I have great news for you this morning . . .When things go bad look to GOD! He is our help in times of trouble - I look to the hills where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD the maker of heaven and earth!

Trust in the Lord at all times pour out your heart before him power belongeth to God,
God has spoken once and twice have I heard this power belongeth to God,
who can search his understanding his thoughts higher than ours
all power in his hands for my life he has a plan 
God is our salvation we find refuge in him power belongs, power belongs to God

Great is our God almighty and he is strong in battle power belongs to our God,
although our host encamp me encamp and do surround me power belongs to our God,
I shall not be afraid of the terror by night
nor the arrow by day I'm persuaded come what may
and now troubles behind me I've found great joy before me power belongs, power belongs to God
There is nothing to hard for God
nothing to hard for God
power belongs to God 
 (Hezekiah Walker)

WOW I am so amazed at Gods care for us! He loves us and just wants us to trust Hm with all of ourselves! So whatever you are going through right NOW give it to God! There is NOTHING TO HARD for God! AMEN!!