About Me

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Derby, United Kingdom
I am a fun loving, God fearing, Chocolate eating, music playing, sister, daughter, housemate. I enjoy travelling and sleeping! And I hate celery!

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

LifeGroup in the golden arches (McDonalds) week 2

So . . . week two in the Arches! What a honour to be leading this group! God orchestrates everything! and it couldn't be more evident than today! 
We spoke about how we need to be persistent with our prayers - not to give up if we haven't seen God answer, but to keep pressing in and keep asking! To have faith that God will do what He has said He will do! It was great to hear peoples testimonies on  how God has answered prayers, but it was also great to hear peoples prayers and stand with them and encourage them to persevere.
What I love the most about LifeGroups is that they create an environment - wherever they are - for people to be open and to share things that they wouldn't be able to share on a Sunday. People are able to be vulnerable in a safe place, knowing that they will recieve support and love and prayers from the group! When we make a decision to follow Christ, He doesn't let you walk life alone, but He makes sure that there is community and people around you, we are in this together!
If you are NOT connected in a small group - can I encourage you to get involved!

LifeGroups. . . Living Life Together!!

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Revival - Based on abandonment.

Tonight I had the amazing privilege to join with many worshipers at a conference with Jesus Culture and Sean Smith.From the very outset - God was present.
There was a great anointing that was in the room! As we worshiped - the focus was on Jesus, the call for us to give Him our all was strong! By all, I mean EVERYTHING! For me, thats saying YES to God in all areas! Yes to His will, Yes to being single, Yes to Detroit, Yes to Derby, Yes to being willing and available! Yes to giving God my ALL!
So God can use me!
An act of obedience!
Cus I want to see revival in the world! I want to see Gods kingdom come, His spirit poured out,His glory shining in all nations!

And this starts with an heart that is abandoned. A heart that will not settle for what it has, a heart that says Jesus - you died on the cross for me, this is what I have for you . . . MY LIFE!

If we want to see a mighty move of God across this nation, across this world - we need to be 100% abandoned to Gods will for our lives!

What is it that God has called you to do? What are you saying no to, that you should be saying yes to? Why are you going, when you really need to be staying? Why are you holding on, when you know you should be letting go?

It is time to stop, it is time to look to Jesus. Pray with me that we would be a people that know it is time to live a life that is totally and utterly sold out to Jesus, that we would throw ourselves in to the arms of Christ fully surrendered and abandoned to HIM!! And Only then will we start to get a glimpse of revival!

"Revival is based on abandonment" Sean Smith 2010

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

LifeGroup in the golden arches (McDonalds)

As a church, we have just re-launched our LifeGroups around the city of Derby. We believe that small groups form an ideal way in which we can enjoy community and build friendships. So our LifeGroups exist to build community and to reach out.
I am excited to be a part of this adventure and have privileged of co-leading the city centre group with Adam. Being a city centre group, we wanted to pick a location that was accessible to those who live in that area, or have a heart to reach the inner city of Derby. We approached different coffee shops, but none seemed suitable, then we had a crazy God idea to meet in McDonalds which is right in the heart of the city. So we now have the whole of the upstairs of McDonalds as our home for LifeGroup.
This week was the first week of LifeGroups, and it was lots of fun! We had a great turn out, and people are really expectant to grow in relationship, to grow spiritually and to grow in numbers! I know Adam and I are really looking forward to see how God will use not only us, but how God will use the group. It’s a great opportunity to be able to meet in McDonalds, and we really want to make the most of it! So we will be planning many outreaches and socials. So please pray with us that God would continue to open doors; that the staff at McDonalds would ultimately be saved; and that as a result of us lifting up the name of Jesus in the city, that things start to change for the good!
We know that God has called us to change this city and we believe that this is only the beginning!

Monday, 20 September 2010

Will the real church PLEASE stay standing!

In my previous blog I challenged us NOT to be a church that is just a self-help to the Christian community, but let us ALWAYS be the church that is reaching out with compassion. Let us be the real church that God has called is to be, and let us begin to stand up!
  If we what to become the real church that God has called us to be and stay standing as the real church, great things will happen. But how do we as individuals stand and continue to stand as the real church? Firstly, we need to be the LIGHT in our city - wherever that is - for me at the moment it is here in Derby. If we are to be the light, it means we are visible Light is defined as "something that makes things visible or affords illumination" So as God commands in Matthew 5:16 "let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
 Secondly, we need to be people who speak TRUTH. John 8:32 "you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." We need to be people who speak up in the face of lies and corruption, we need to be those people who are constantly speaking Gods word into all situations! 
 Thirdly, we need to be people who LOVE. John 15:12 "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." Love without limits!  God loves us more than anything, and He doesn't just tell us He loves us, He shows us He loves us! Loving people goes beyond words, it involves action as well - don't just say it, show it! 
 God has placed you where you are for a purpose! Be the light in your neighborhood, speak truth to your colleagues, and show some love to all! 

Be the real Church and PLEASE stay standing!

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Will the real church PLEASE stand up!

Today I had the joy of joining Derby City Vision  churches at a day of praying and fasting for my city - Derby! and what a privilege it was standing in unity with churches from across the city with one focus. . . seeing the name of Jesus proclaimed! It was great to share vision and to hold each other up in prayer. Reminding me that we, each local church, have to be working TOGETHER.
At one particular time, we turned our focus of prayer onto the church. I really felt challenged.
I am sure we all know people who have been hurt by the church, who have been judged, shunned, turned away from church, and I am sure that some of you have felt that way too.
You would think that the church would be the first place "sinners" would look to go for help, for acceptance, but more often we hear that this is not the case. Think back. . . when was the last time someone came walking in to your service smelling of alcohol? When was the last time someone walked into your service that was a prostitute? In fact when was the last person to walk into your church that was a non-believer? 
What has Church become? Is it now a place for the middle class Christian to get there weekly top up of worship, word and fellowship? Is it now a place to get your weekly down-low on the local gossip column?
God help us if this is our experience of church!
We had a time of praying for the local churches represented, but before that we spent some time in deep repentance on behalf of the church. This was a powerful moment - understanding that the church is not perfect, understanding that we have missed the mark as the Bride of Christ. But also realizing the love that God has for the church - the forgiveness and the grace that is on offer to us!
Acts 2:42, 4:32
 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.. . . All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need.

So let us not be a church that is a self-help to the Christian community, but let us ALWAYS be the church that is reaching out with compassion. Let us be the real church that God has called is to be, and let us begin to stand up! It is time to change the reputation of the church.
My prayer for us - the church - would be simple. That God would break our hearts for what breaks His, that we would see all people as He sees them, through love. That the church would welcome the lost with open arms. No longer would we be a people who judge by what we see because it is different, but that different would now become the norm!

Ask God to give you the lost! And then the REAL church can stand up!

Monday, 2 August 2010

Nothing is to hard for God!

Ever had those moments when live becomes overwhelming? When everything that could go wrong, does go wrong? When things happen that you don't foresee happening? When there is NOTHING you can do about it, you just have to sit and watch things unfold?
Well I have great news for you this morning . . .When things go bad look to GOD! He is our help in times of trouble - I look to the hills where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD the maker of heaven and earth!

Trust in the Lord at all times pour out your heart before him power belongeth to God,
God has spoken once and twice have I heard this power belongeth to God,
who can search his understanding his thoughts higher than ours
all power in his hands for my life he has a plan 
God is our salvation we find refuge in him power belongs, power belongs to God

Great is our God almighty and he is strong in battle power belongs to our God,
although our host encamp me encamp and do surround me power belongs to our God,
I shall not be afraid of the terror by night
nor the arrow by day I'm persuaded come what may
and now troubles behind me I've found great joy before me power belongs, power belongs to God
There is nothing to hard for God
nothing to hard for God
power belongs to God 
 (Hezekiah Walker)

WOW I am so amazed at Gods care for us! He loves us and just wants us to trust Hm with all of ourselves! So whatever you are going through right NOW give it to God! There is NOTHING TO HARD for God! AMEN!!

Friday, 30 July 2010

Gods Timing is Perfect

As my time here in America is coming to an end (quickly) I find myself quick to look at what is next for me. I know that my time here is not over.

While I was journaling today and realised that I have been honored to connect with different people who are doing what I want to be doing, who here are in Detroit, who are reaching the lost and helping rebuild the city. But my question is - why has this all been in the last few weeks of my time here?

Do you ever get times where you do not understand Gods timing? If I was to meet these people earlier then I might be were I want to be - working and serving in Detroit?
Then God reminded me - His timing is perfect!
Genesis 28:15- "Behold I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."
I know that God is setting me up for the next season! I need to focus on where God had me now! Everything within me wants to know what is next, wants to know how it will all work out, but God says look at today - look at what I have in store for you today! Tomorrow will take care of itself!

So let me encourage you to look at today as if this was all you had! God will work things together for your GOOD!! He is faithful to His word - what HE speaks what HE promises, HE will make happen!!
"God speaks something so that we can trust His word, not just what we can see" Pastor Tim Dilana

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Are you aiming for perfection?

When Paul was writing to the church in Thessalonica it was very different to his letter to the church in Corinth. The Thessalonians seemed to have things together - in chapter 2 Paul writes
"For you, brothers, became imitators of God's churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus"
He was fond of this church. But on thing that stood out - although they were doing a good job, and although Paul did not have much correction to bring, he never told them they had it all right! 

1 Thessalonians 4:10
      And in fact, you do love all the brothers throughout Macedonia. 
Yet we urge you, brothers, to do so more and more.
Paul urges the church to love more and more - not to ever settle with how much you love now, but to be constantly increasing!
God help us if we ever think we are doing enough! We need to be reaching for perfection, for excellence. Don't ever stop because you think that you have done enough - you have loved enough, you have served enough, you have gave enough! Not until you have given it ALL! Until you reach perfection in Christ - Heaven! 

Be encouraged in that we have so much more we can be doing for the Kingdom of God. 

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God"

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

We are called to Go . . . But How and to who?

We are called to go!
I want to look at the Good Samaritan and see how he goes.
The Good Samaritan addresses and challenges cultural mind sets on who is classed as your neighbor, and what is required to care for your neighbor.
There are 4 characters in this story;
The Jew - beaten - left for dead
The priest - Just happened to be walking by - possibly the more likely person to stop and care?
The Levite - a worshipper at the temple of God -
The Samaritan - Jews worst enemy - they did not get on - at all! Not one bit!

Why is it that only the Samaritan stopped by? why didn't the priest or the levite stop by?

I think it was possibly because getting involved would have been costly - the investment may have seemed too high - It was easier to walk straight by and get on with there lives!

So why was it that the Jews worst enemy was the one to come and save him? Calling a Jew a Samaritan was bad - really bad! They lived together under the Roman emperor, but they did not get on at all!! infact Jesus was once called a Samaritan as an insult.
Jesus could have easily told this story with switched roles
 - The good Jew - seen as Jesus was a Jew, But he knew the prejudice and the pure hate some of his fellow Jews had for the Samaritan. So with this story - he didn’t just challenge how we are to care for people, but also who we are to care for.

1- Meeting the needs with Loving deeds.
Its so easy for us to get cought up with doing stuff for the sake of doing it! Giving money, because that’s what is expected of us, but in this story, the Samaritan was not obliged at all to help, he could have carried on by like the others, but he decided in that moment to stop and help! He saw the need and responded.

V 33 The Samaritan had pitty on him. The Greek for this word is Splagma which is translated as - Moved from the bowels, or moved from the foundations! And this is the word most often used to describe the emotional state of Jesus Christ!
The Samaritan was moved with the Love of Christ, he was moved enough not just to meet the needs, but to do it with Love!
The needs he met were Physical, Material and the emotional needs.
We have to be a people who are willing to go over and above meeting peoples needs! Always do things as if to the Lord - with excellence!
2- We don’t chose who our neighbors are.
The Samaritan did not choose who this guy was he helped. The Jew was on the road he was traveling on! He saw the need and he met it!
Your neighbor is ANYONE who is in your path. Someone you would least expect! We are called to Care for the needs of the people around Us, regardless of there race or religion or other differences.

3- Looking after the poor and needy is not optional as Christians, but it is essential!  It is Jesus definition of Love!
Love is an attitude of life - it’s a sign of real faith. Its not what is going to save you, but it’s a sign of being saved! A sign of Life!
Looking after those in need Is not just talking Love, but its doing it! Its more than just sentiments - although that’s good - its not enough!! The Samaritan was not just doing it because he felt he had to - like I mentioned earlier - he wasn’t obliged to help, but he responded over and above what would have been expected of him! If he wasn’t drawn by that compassion - he would not have done what he did!

In order to fully understand the parable of the Good Samaritan - you need to understand this 
You were poor. - Jesus came and poured out His spiritual richness on you and made you royalty! In 1 peter We called a royal priesthood - a holy nation!
You were the person in need - Jesus came on by and did not cross over the road but he impoverished himself on you He gave you life when you did not deserve it! This is called Grace! - God giving you something you do not deserve!
When the Expert of the law was asked which one of these were his neighbor, he replied - the one who had mercy on him.
Jesus was your neighbor - HE had no obligation to do this other than the Love and Splagma! - Compassion that moved from his bowels!

There are plenty of people we pass each day who are in need, and I’m not saying that you have to meet the needs of everyone! By yourself that is impossible. But I want to leave you with this challenge . . . 
Will you be willing to ask God to open your eyes to the needs that are around you?
And when you see it - will you act in Splagma - with the same compassion that Jesus has for you and me? A love and pitty that moves from the depths of our being?

 (Notes taken from Timothy Keller's preach - Blueprint for revival; social concern) 

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Live each day

"A man can no more take in a supply of grace for the future than he can eat enough for the next six months, or take sufficient air into his lungs at one time to sustain life for a week. We must draw upon God's boundless store of grace from day to day as we need it." D L Moody

When we look back in history way back when the Israelites were in the desert with Moses all they could do was to rely on God and His provision! One moment in history God rained down food for His people this was called manna. 
Then the LORD said to Moses, "I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day.Exodus 16:4a
It was not something that they were previously familiar with, as they asked what it was when they first saw it. (The word Manna itself in Hebrew means 'What is it?') It was similar to frost in appearance, and tasted like oil and honey wafers. It rapidly deteriorated and could not be stored long. 

God does not ask us to look to the future and make sure that we have everything together for life. (thank goodness!) I am so thankful for His daily provision, I don't have to have everything together, I don't have to be able to see all the money I need in my bank account for the next year, the next month, or even for tomorrow! My God will supply ALL my needs!

 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
 "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
(Matthew 6:25 - 34)

If we are obedient in seeking God first over and above everything else, I know that He would want nothing less than to make sure all our needs are supplied! All our needs! Financial needs, Job needs, housing needs, school needs, food needs, relationship needs! 

Before I came out here to the states I had half the amount of money I needed to keep me here for a year, but I knew this was were God wanted me, so I took a step of faith and came. 
In April 2010 my money ran out - I had enough to pay my rent at that was it! I started thinking and planning to to move back to England. But God spoke clearly to me at Forward '10 (Great Lakes Chi Alpha Staff meeting) there were at least 4 words that confirmed my staying here. "If God has called you to do something - DO IT" "God is faithful to His promises" 
I knew God was speaking to me! So I took another step an decided to stay! If God wanted me here He would have to provide for me! 
From that moment I have had enough money come in each month to sustain me! and more! I am totally amazed to watch how God enables me to pay ALL my bills! He is so good! and His is true to His word!
My thought - Take each day as it comes, and see how God works His miracle!

Monday, 17 May 2010

p90x - Guarenteed to get you RIPPED! Week one!

Holding Nothing BackMonday morning I was sat on my couch listening to some great English Worship tunes by Tim Hughes - Holding nothing back Album.
When I saw on the top of my TV a DVD out of its case. I went over and checked it out, and it was a friends p90x cardio DVD.

p90x seems to be the new fitness craze here in the US. This is what the website states
"P90X® is a revolutionary system of 12 sweat-inducing, muscle-pumping workouts, designed to transform your body from regular to ripped in just 90 days."

Sounds appealing right!! That's what I thought!! ha ha!

So I placed the DVD in  to the machine and preceded to attempt the workout.
(I say attempt, because I spent half the time laughing)
Lets just say that the guy leading this is slightly special!

So I did it Monday, and then Tuesday, and Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday (which is today). Now I don't know if I will be able to do all 90 days, but I know that even doing a week, I can notice the difference - I have more energy, I see improvements with my breathing, I don't want to eat as much junk. . . Its great - other than my muscles aching, and the 45 minutes of torture!

Why am I blogging about this?  

When I look at this, I see so many parallels to my spiritual walk! I have just finished reading the bible through in 90 days, and for the first 2 weeks It was not hard to get motivated, yes it took a while to adjust and make time, but I was excited to have a new challenge in my life. I had never read the Bible from Genesis through Revelation before.
So I made sure that I was accountable to the other people joining me on this challenge, we met once a week together to read that day - this made sure I was still on track.
With p90x (or any exercise) It becomes so much easier to get through it when you have people with you doing it! So when I get days like today when I could easily have not done it, I have people to encourage me and remind me why I am doing it!
Im sure we have all had moments in our walk with Christ where we feel like we have had enough, everything seems to be going wrong all at the same time, I know Habakkuk felt the hardships Habakkuk 3:17-19

       Though the fig tree does not bud
       and there are no grapes on the vines,
       though the olive crop fails
       and the fields produce no food,
       though there are no sheep in the pen
       and no cattle in the stalls,

       yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
       I will be joyful in God my Savior.

       The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
       he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
       he enables me to go on t
he heights

When you become overwhelmed (I say when, because it will happen if it hasn't already) you need to have people around you, people who will encourage you, people who will remind you or the end cause, the reason why we labor - it is NOT in vain!
And most of all your focus NEEDS to be on Jesus! He knows exactly what you are going through and he is walking right there alongside of you. Remember, He will never give you more than you can handle! 

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Word and Spirit.

I am currently - along with some other people here at King of Love - are reading through the Bible in 90 days!

This has been and is a great journey - I have developed a whole new respect and appreciation for the Old Testament. The history that we have as Christians is so rich - reading about where I have come from - what our forefathers had to deal with, and learning more about the greatness of Gods Love!
I find that I am becoming more and more hungry for the word of God - reading the truth - renewing my mind.
the last couple of weeks I have found that a huge percentage of my quiet times with God was reading and there was not a lot of anything else.
As I stopped today to spend time with Jesus, I forgot how refreshing it is just to sit and soak in Gods spirit! To just be in the presence of God!
I realised how important it is to have the word of God in your life, joined with the Spirit! Just as Adrian Warnock wrote in one if his blogs. . .
  "We cannot just take the Holy Spirit bit. We must let the Word get to us. 
We must submit to the Word."
It is easy to have an unhealthy balance of just the spirit or just the word, but when we join them together and have the Spirit and the Word it starts to become dynamic!

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Crows and Seagulls

"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few" Matt 9:37

As I was looking out of my window today I saw a lonesome crow. He was stood in the road feasting on what looked like someones unwanted dinner. Mr Crow seemed quite focused and in control. Until a seagull comes along. The seagull was quite reserved and slowly approached Mr Crow, Mr Crow just sat there staring. Until another seagull swooped down, then Mr crow started fighting back. You see he had realized that the two seagulls were after his dinner. So he gave a bit of attitude and made a bit of noise which only seemed to create more attraction from the other birds which happened also to be seagulls! So as the seagulls overpowered Mr Crow, they took his dinner from right in front of him, and flew off laughing.

As I was watching this happen, I was watching how Mr Crow reacted, at first he was ready for the fight, he found that meal fair and square, but as the seagulls gradually started to gain in force and numbers, he became defeated. I could hear him calling, but no one came, he was all on his own.
It got me thinking about the scripture in Matthew 9 when Jesus is taking to his disciples and says that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
When people are ready to be harvested we need to be ready to go! Imagine if there were more crows, what a feast they would of had.

Imagine if we as Christians were really ready to reap the harvest, how willing are we to fight for souls? Do we keep perusing? or do we give up like Mr Crow? do we call for back up (the church body) or do we stand alone?

We need to be ready for the fight, the enemy is not gonna back down easily, he will send in others to reap the harvest, We need to be ready to peruse, to fight for the lost - to never give up!
And if we are working without the Church - working on our own to reap the harvest - it wont happen - you will be defeated! Jesus sent out the disciples in twos, Jesus valued community, do it together!