There was a great anointing that was in the room! As we worshiped - the focus was on Jesus, the call for us to give Him our all was strong! By all, I mean EVERYTHING! For me, thats saying YES to God in all areas! Yes to His will, Yes to being single, Yes to Detroit, Yes to Derby, Yes to being willing and available! Yes to giving God my ALL!

So God can use me!
An act of obedience!
Cus I want to see revival in the world! I want to see Gods kingdom come, His spirit poured out,His glory shining in all nations!
And this starts with an heart that is abandoned. A heart that will not settle for what it has, a heart that says Jesus - you died on the cross for me, this is what I have for you . . . MY LIFE!
If we want to see a mighty move of God across this nation, across this world - we need to be 100% abandoned to Gods will for our lives!
What is it that God has called you to do? What are you saying no to, that you should be saying yes to? Why are you going, when you really need to be staying? Why are you holding on, when you know you should be letting go?
It is time to stop, it is time to look to Jesus. Pray with me that we would be a people that know it is time to live a life that is totally and utterly sold out to Jesus, that we would throw ourselves in to the arms of Christ fully surrendered and abandoned to HIM!! And Only then will we start to get a glimpse of revival!
"Revival is based on abandonment" Sean Smith 2010
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