About Me

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Derby, United Kingdom
I am a fun loving, God fearing, Chocolate eating, music playing, sister, daughter, housemate. I enjoy travelling and sleeping! And I hate celery!

Friday, 21 January 2011

Digging deep in every season!

Im so glad God chooses to give us seasons to live our life in! The great thing about this is that seasons come and go!
But there is major purpose to every season, even if it doesn't feel like it.
I was sat in a preach during my last visit to the states a guy called James Bradford was preaching - I have no idea what the title was, but it was all about seasons and that there is both strategy and a sovereignty to every season.
There is purpose to where God has you and who he has put around you, always be looking at how this can grow you. What can you learn from the people and situations you face?
God is ALWAYS doing something! He knows the reason for your birth, and he is preparing you for this purpose! Even when you cant see him working - God is in Heaven (Ps 115:1,2) He does and is doing whatever he wants to do. God is shaping and He is going to finish what He has started! He is limited by NOTHING!
You can TRUST God!
In every season, even when I don't get it, even when it doesn't seem right, when life goes beyond what I have planned, when it goes the opposite direction to what I had thought - Im gonna Trust You God!
My prayer is that God would help us stay focused on His plans for our lives. That we would embrace every situation, every relationship we find ourselves in with a mindset of What are you teaching me God!

When we dig deep, when we put our focus on the creator and not the created, when we make time to sit in God presence, We have no need to worry about our influence, God deals with our width! We will reach our destination because it is God job to get is there!! In those seasons that are easy to spend time with God - create good habits for hiding away with Him so when the drought comes (which it will) You will be prepared!

Take some time this week - even today - to hide away with Jesus! Get some one on one time with your Dad! The one who knows you who loves you who is waiting for you! And Listen! He wants to speak to you!!

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

God WILL build HIS church!

God has promised that HE will build HIS church and the gates of hell will NOT prevail.

This is a scripture that has been on my mind now for the last couple of weeks. A good friend of mine was talking about their church planting experiences and said that if they had not learnt the lesson that God is in the business of building church and it was not mans job, then they wouldn't be pastoring a successful church right now!
Tuesday night Jubilee church gathered to pray, it was a really encouraging evening, and God spoke some practical things. But that scripture was mentioned again . . . I will build my church. . . So many times we as Christians can get so stuck on doing church, so involved in the routine, that we thing it is our job to build the church. Yes we have a responsibility to show people the love of Jesus, but ultimately the building of the church is down to God!
I don't know about you, but this gives me great relief! The church is going to grow because God has promised He will grow it! I know what some of you might be thinking right now and its a fair thought - if we are not meant to be building the church, then how will we grow?
God has given us all a job to do - each one of us fulfills and integral part in the church family, and we need to be completely open to all that God has for us and all that He wants us to do. Some of the challenges from the prayer meeting were about asking ourselves - Am I ready to be used by God? Am I willing to be in tune with the Holy Spirit? Am I willing to step out of my comfort box on a Sunday morning and talk to visitors? And not only talk to them, but ask God for a word of knowledge for them? Pray for them?
If we are faithful in the small things - God will entrust to us much!As we look after those people who God has given us with excellence and with love, God will add to us and He WILL build His church here in Derby and wherever you are planted!
God has got some amazing adventures for us, so be excited and be willing to embrace all God has for you!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

The wrongness of White Socks

Ok so this one goes out to all my American peeps - the reason why I believe white socks are wrong!

One of my first observations when spending time in America was their love for white socks. 
I don't get it.
I remember being sat in the airport and seeing people with sandals on and white socks pulled up to the ankles.
White socks can be so obnoxious, so catching to the eye, you can't wear them more than once and you definitely can NOT wear them with sandals or shorts . . . WRONG!

But enough of my ranting.
Why is it that the Brits tend to wear different coloured socks?
I posted that question on my Facebook - needless to say I didn't get productive answers!
So I decided to do some research . . . I came across this website The History of Socks

 - Bright socks have been worn since the 8th century the trend started by barbarians! 

 -"Reverend William Lee of Nottinghamshire, England invented a sock-knitting machine in 1598, and started to make hosiery out of cotton, wool and silk. The machine made bright colored socks easier to produce, cheaper, and encouraged their popularity."

 SO that is why bright coloured socks are popular in England - They were made and invented here. BUT why should that trend stop here on this island? I personally wont let it!

 My encouragement to all of you with white socks - Brits, Yanks, wherever you are from  . . . TRASH them and break free from boring and plainness - getting different coloured socks will be the most freeing
and liberating thing in your life (other than Jesus!)
You will not get embarrassed if your socks are a day old, you wont have
to bleach them, you can choose your style depending on your mood and here is a bonus factor it will brighten your day and anyone who sees them!

DO IT and feel free to comment!! :)

Monday, 17 January 2011

Fitness Freak wannabe . . .

Im not sure what is wrong with me this week.
Yesterday I got back from having food with a good friend, it was raining and pretty miserable outside.

I felt like going for a run.

I was in shock that those words left my mouth!

So I chose to embrace it - and RUN!
It was great! There is something liberating about being able to run, if only it came naturally too me!

Then today - I had just finished work and felt the need to work out, so I dug deep for one  of my excersize DVDs - Wiped the dust off and went for it!!

Hillarious!! - Its called - Urban work out.

Teaches you how to dance to R&B - for this you need rhythm and coordination . . . I think I gave myself a bonus abs workout with all the laughing!

Signing off . . . a fitness freak wannabe . . . lets hope it lasts!

Friday, 14 January 2011


These last two weeks have been quite productive.
I have spent a lot of time drinking coffee, eating food, meeting with some amazing people, sleeping, traveling and talking to God!
I have learned a lot, and have things to process, but wanted to share just one thing with you.
As I was flying back yesterday - we were flying over Detroit - I was talking with Jesus and thanking him for many different things, then I started praying for Detroit and as I looked out the window I saw a rainbow resting on the clouds over the city - it was full circle.
I wish I had taken a picture - it was beautiful.
similar to the picture on the right.

But as I was looking for pictures, I found out that these are called Glories!

what is a glory (wiki)

When I saw this over the city - I couldn't help but shed a tear - knowing and trusting that God is holding Detroit in his hand! That He has promises over this city that He has NOT forgotten!

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Detroit - God has NOT forgotten you!

People walking by
Very seldom they say hi
They don’t know how wonderful you are
If they only knew
all the things you’ve been through
if only they could see your heart

I hear you crying for help

Please don’t blame yourself
You are not forgotten 

\When it’s time to go to sleep
And try your best to keep yourself
falling apart
There’s no need to fear
because I’m already here
And I’m the One who sees your heart
Yes I am 
I hear you crying for help
Please don’t blame yourself
You are not forgotten 

You are not just a face in the crowd
You are not forgotten, child
Let me whisper it loud, “I LOVE YOU.”
“Oh, I love you.”

You can hold your head up high
cause I’ll make everything alright
I’m committed to you smiling again
And eventually you’ll see people’s similarities
Everyone just needs a friend, yeah

And when they’re crying for help
You’ll be able to tell them
Please tell them for me
You are not forgotten 

You are precious to me
I’m the One, I’m the One
Who sees your heart
You are not forgotten

Just remember DETROIT you are not forgotten.
You are not forgotten.
 (lyrics by Israel Houghton)

Monday, 3 January 2011

My Life is in YOUR hands.

Sunday December 28th - my life was shaken.

I was at home at my parents on Christmas day, and had to work the next day, so I left pretty early as I had to drive for 2 hours. I was about 15 minutes into my journey, and I had hit some ice on the road. At this point I slowed right down to about 30mph as this part of the road has a lot of bends. about a minute later, my back end went out and i skidded on black ice. I went to correct myself, but knew I was no longer in control. My words were . . . "oh my goodness, oh my goodness, I'm gone."
The next thing I know is that I am sat in my car upside down in a ditch that has water in it.

My first reaction (I think due to the amount of 24 I watch) was to turn off the ignition, just in case the fuel tank exploded!!!
I remember saying to my self "your fine, you have to get out!"
I remember taking my seat belt off, and I remember pushing the door open a couple of inches. Im not sure how I got out of such a small gap, and I have no idea how I ended up with my mobile phone in my hand!? All I can say is that God intervened just at the right time. There are so many things with this incident that do not make sense for example . . . why am I still alive? The police officer was surprised that I walked out alive! All I had were a few bruises, a bit of concussion, and some whiplash!

My life has a whole new meaning now!
God could have taken me right there! I could be in heaven sitting at his feet, BUT He didn't! He is not finished with me - he has greater things planned for me!
So my question now is "What is my purpose?" "what is it that God wants for my life?"
My life is completely in Gods hands - not what I want, but what He wants.

Is your life in Gods hands? Have you got dreams and desires, have you planned out your life? In Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future"
What are the plans that you have this year?
Unless the kernel of wheat falls to the ground, it will not produce fruit!
God give us desires and dreams - these are good things, BUT if your life becomes focused on making these happen, then you will be waiting for a long time.
There is a song that says it all

Found love beyond all reason
You gave Your life Your all for me
And called me Yours forever
Caught in the mercy fallout
I found hope found life
Found all I need
You're all I need

The time has come
To stand for all we believe in
So I for one am gonna
Give my praise to You

Today today it's all or nothing
All they way
The praise goes out to You
Yeah all the praise goes out to You
Today today I live for one thing
To give You praise
In everything I do
Yeah all the praise goes out to You

All we are is Yours
And all we're living for
Is all You are
Is all that You are Lord

Who are you living for? yourself?  Take a moment to write down your dreams and desires for this year, and surrender them, give them back to God!
He loves you so much that He wants the BEST for you, even if the best is not how you wanted things to go!