God has promised that HE will build HIS church and the gates of hell will NOT prevail.
This is a scripture that has been on my mind now for the last couple of weeks. A good friend of mine was talking about their church planting experiences and said that if they had not learnt the lesson that God is in the business of building church and it was not mans job, then they wouldn't be pastoring a successful church right now!
Tuesday night Jubilee church gathered to pray, it was a really encouraging evening, and God spoke some practical things. But that scripture was mentioned again . . . I will build my church. . . So many times we as Christians can get so stuck on doing church, so involved in the routine, that we thing it is our job to build the church. Yes we have a responsibility to show people the love of Jesus, but ultimately the building of the church is down to God!
I don't know about you, but this gives me great relief! The church is going to grow because God has promised He will grow it! I know what some of you might be thinking right now and its a fair thought - if we are not meant to be building the church, then how will we grow?
God has given us all a job to do - each one of us fulfills and integral part in the church family, and we need to be completely open to all that God has for us and all that He wants us to do. Some of the challenges from the prayer meeting were about asking ourselves - Am I ready to be used by God? Am I willing to be in tune with the Holy Spirit? Am I willing to step out of my comfort box on a Sunday morning and talk to visitors? And not only talk to them, but ask God for a word of knowledge for them? Pray for them?
If we are faithful in the small things - God will entrust to us much!As we look after those people who God has given us with excellence and with love, God will add to us and He WILL build His church here in Derby and wherever you are planted!
God has got some amazing adventures for us, so be excited and be willing to embrace all God has for you!
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