But there is major purpose to every season, even if it doesn't feel like it.
I was sat in a preach during my last visit to the states a guy called James Bradford was preaching - I have no idea what the title was, but it was all about seasons and that there is both strategy and a sovereignty to every season.
There is purpose to where God has you and who he has put around you, always be looking at how this can grow you. What can you learn from the people and situations you face?
God is ALWAYS doing something! He knows the reason for your birth, and he is preparing you for this purpose! Even when you cant see him working - God is in Heaven (Ps 115:1,2) He does and is doing whatever he wants to do. God is shaping and He is going to finish what He has started! He is limited by NOTHING!
You can TRUST God!
In every season, even when I don't get it, even when it doesn't seem right, when life goes beyond what I have planned, when it goes the opposite direction to what I had thought - Im gonna Trust You God!
My prayer is that God would help us stay focused on His plans for our lives. That we would embrace every situation, every relationship we find ourselves in with a mindset of What are you teaching me God!

Take some time this week - even today - to hide away with Jesus! Get some one on one time with your Dad! The one who knows you who loves you who is waiting for you! And Listen! He wants to speak to you!!
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